With a plethora of course options for marketers at any stage of their career, Marketing examines the current state of marketing education in Australia and asks, if there is a skills shortage in digital marketing, is the education sector wholly responsible or does business have a case to answer for?
A recent BRW article listed the top five hardest jobs to fill in Australia. Mining engineer was number one. Infrastructure project manager was number two, driven by rebuilding efforts from the 2011 Queensland floods and flow-on investments in road, rail and other facilities from the mining boom. Next came early childhood teachers, then underground electricians, another mining job. At number five, was senior digital marketers.
It is a trend being witnessed across the country. Global recruitment firm Hays Specialist Recruitment lists senior marketing executives as some of the most in demand professionals Australia-wide, and data from the latest Seek Employment Index has advertisements for digital and search marketing roles up by 48 percent from a year ago, far more than any other marketing category.
In this examination of Australia’s marketing education sector, Marketing delves into the question of whether the current skills shortage is a failure of education providers to ready graduates with the foundations and competencies needed to plan and execute world-class digital initiatives, or whether the business community itself, now desperate for qualified and experienced senior digital marketers, is somehow responsible.
Read the full article in Marketing Magazine…