Everyone knows that Australian broadband is slow, but did you know it was quite ‘this’ slow? Just look at that map! Green good, orange not too shabby, but red? Red bad!
While we’re sitting around watching the download status-bar grind at a glacial pace, every Game of Thrones fan in Europe, North America, Russia, China and (the shame) New Zealand has already settled down to some fantasy drama.
That’s all very irritating, but why should it matter to you as a marketer?
Well, in a word ‘User Experience’ (okay that’s two words). According to Moz, 47 percent of web users expect a page to load in under two seconds, and Moz also says that 75 percent of consumers will head for a competitor site instead of waiting for a slow loading page.
So slow loading pages influence conversion rates. But they also affect your rankings in organic search and the ‘Quality Score’ awarded to your Adwords search advertising. This means your ads will under-perform and you’ll end up paying more than you should for click-throughs.
So it’s well worth ensuring that your site loads quickly, especially here in super-slow-to-start-with-anyway Australia.
And to get you started, take a peek at 3 Tools to Help Speed Up Your Site.