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How Australians are Using Social Media in 2016

Social Media 2016

Australians are even more social than ever before in 2016 with nearly three quarters of the population now on social media. OMG! That’s around 16 million of us!

This is according to Sensis, who recently published their annual report on how Australians and Australian businesses are using social medial in 2016. The research is a wonderful resource for marketers as it provides many interesting insights into the who, when and where of social-media in Australia.

Did you know, for example, that 95% of Australian social-media users are on Facebook. Which means that millions of Australians can be reached on the same channel, where you’ll find them every day or even several times a day. In fact, Australians are now spending more than half a day a week on Facebook alone.

So while Australians are going nuts for social media, what are businesses doing to capatilise on the popularity of the medium? Well, the short answer is – could do better.

Only around 50% of small to medium size businesses have a social-media presence. There is still a big gap between how frequently consumers engage with social media compared to businesses. This is a major opportunity for Australian marketers to get an edge on their competition.

For example, if you haven’t come across Facebook’s advertising options, you might be missing a trick. It offers sophisticated targeting options and ad formats to help drive some of those 15 million Australian Facebook users to your page or website.

What else? Well, for the first time, the number of Australians accessing social media through their smartphone has eclipsed both desktop and tablet combined. This is something to keep in mind when creating new site content – an important question should always be ‘how will it look on a mobile’.

We’ve put together a quick infographic below with some of the more interesting bits and pieces of research, which you can also download as a high-quality PDF at the top of this page. Handy if you need to convince your boss about investing in social-media marketing.

Also available for download is the full Sensis report for 2016.

If you’d like to learn more about social-media marketing, why not wander over and take a look at our Diploma in Digital Marketing or Postgraduate Diploma in Social Media.