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Lynne’s CIM Ticket to Ride

ACM student lynne hughes

Australian College of Marketing student, Lynne Hughes, recently headed over to the UK to attend her CIM graduation ceremony. And when Lynne received her Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, the CIM also handed over a Top Student award.

Lynne said, “I was so thrilled to finish my Postgraduate Diploma, and when I heard that I would also be receiving an award for scoring the highest marks in the world on my final module, I decided to hang the expense. It’s not every day you get a good excuse to head off to London.

“The graduation was really fantastic, but I think it’s fairly safe to say that the opportunity to see the sites was pretty good as well. Then there was the trip to Paris on the way home, which wasn’t too bad either.”

According to Lynne, National Marketing Manager for APP, a leading provider of consulting services to the Property and Infrastructure industries:

“Completing my studies with the Australian College of Marketing has given me a level of confidence that was missing in my career.

“The course was built around practical and relevant themes that can be applied to the workplace. More than this, the quality of teaching and amount of support I was given was fantastic.”