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Getting to Grips with Google Analytics

3.1 Demo Account

If you don’t have access to Google Analytics, or if your Google Analytics has very little data in it, then the Google demo account is a great learning resource. The account is linked to the Google Merchandise Store.

If you already have a Google Analytics account, then the following steps will add the Google demo account to your existing account.

If you don’t already have a Google Analytics account, then Google will create one and add the demo account to it.

To access the demo account:

  1. If you already have a Google Account (to access gmail, youTube, whatever), log into it. Otherwise, create a Google account.
  2. Access the demo account. The demo account is now available from the account selector shown in the top-left of the screen.
  3. If the demo account is not currently displayed, select it from the account selector.
    Account selector

You can remove your access to the demo account at any time.
