Course delivery
The Professional Diploma and Chartered Postgraduate Diploma are taught by blending:
This ensures you have the flexibility to balance study with work and other commitments.
All certificate courses are delivered through fully supported distance learning.
Intensive study days
Each diploma module starts with two consecutive study days comprising intensive face-to-face tutoring from nine to five. (Certificate modules require no study days.)
They are held in Melbourne and Sydney at central locations with five-star facilities and excellent transport links. Full catering is provided.
The days lay the foundation for the rest of your study throughout each module and provide valuable insight into the module’s assessment. They are also an opportunity to meet your tutor and get to know your fellow students.
Distance learning
We provide a full package of support during your distance learning with us:
- Study guide – high-quality course notes to guide your distance learning and provide additional reading and self-assessment exercises.
- Webinars – regular web-based tutorials and revision sessions.
- Tutor support – through phone, email and our study portal.
- Study portal – your logon provides access to a wealth of multimedia study materials and the opportunity to network with other students.
Multimedia study materials include lectures, weekly overviews and online self-assessments. Click the following to view a sample online lecture:

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